Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Five Beauty Routines woman who hated men

Men may not know that looking good is not easy. There are many treatments and routines that must be passed by a woman. So please understand if they secretly consider the following five points are not only strange, but also unnecessary. Hair Tongs Eye Many men are afraid to look at women who are her eyelashes curl. Maybe they think it hurts?. Some men also assume not much difference between the lashes that have been clipped and who have not. There would be no one who will see the woman from her lashes, but when viewed as a whole makeup, eyelashes curled (especially given the mascara) will make the eyes look more "open". Hairspray Men like women's hair stroked, so while being caressed his hair was hard as a rock, they would...

Senin, 21 Mei 2012


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Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Pashmina Kerut

  Pashmina Kerut Perfected you appearance with Pashmina Kerut, very easy to vary and is suitable for all events. Made from qualify material, smooth, and cold to wear  Only IDR 100....

Sweet Flower Bross

  "Sweet Flower Bross" IDR 12.000 Material: 100% Flanel, Beautifull bross with a beads in the middle of bross We are stock in all col...

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